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changelog [2023/05/04 16:33] adminchangelog [2024/06/06 12:55] admin
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 In addition to the standard categories, other identifying labels may be noted in the changes as needed. In addition to the standard categories, other identifying labels may be noted in the changes as needed.
 +==== 2024-06-06 (3.3.3) ====
 +  * **Route planning:** Option to undo and redo planning steps, this especially fixes issues for the iOS app where there is no back button.
 +  * **Route planning:** Improve the share dialog to easily share routes and POIs to your friends.
 +  * **Settings:** Revamped settings layout to a modern look and improved overview over the settings.
 +  * **Navigation:** Fix navigation start close to the arctic circle.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Support for offline maps.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Improve navigation along the route when recalculation is enabled.
 +  * **[iOS] General:** Ask also for background location permission.
 +  * **[iOS] General:** Fix keyboard issues.
 +  * **[Android] Navigation:** Darker blue for the navigation route.
 +  * **[Android] App:** Allow the app to be opened from even more apps when you ask external app to navigate to a certain location.
 +==== 2024-05-06 (3.3.2) ====
 +  * **[Android] Navigation:** Improve voice output in background and in combination with other music apps.
 +  * **[Android] Navigation:** Allow to recalculate the route with Bluetooth-Tethering enabled.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Enable route overview feature in the (...)-menu.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Improve camera zoom handling during the navigation.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Show the route number/reference in addition to the street name.
 +==== 2024-04-11 (3.3.1) ====
 +  * **[Android] Navigation:** Waypoint Number is shown in the top-left if the upcoming turn instruction shows the arrival at a via point.
 +  * **[Android]:** Fix app compatibility issues with old Android versions older than Android 7.
 +  * **[Android] Navigation:** Fix special case where multiple voice instructions could be spoken.
 +  * **[iOS]:** Fix different app crashes that were reported by users.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Fix alignment issues with the navigation arrow.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Improve rerouting, and don't allow rerouting when follow mode is active.
 +  * **[iOS] Navigation:** Fix recenter button alignment in landscape.
 +  * **[iOS]:** Fix going back to the route planning view after landscape navigation.
 +==== 2024-03-21 (3.3.0) ====
 +  * **Route Recording:** Record your rides to the Kurviger Cloud. When pausing the navigation you can see your ride in the planning view. You can save your recording when you finish your ride. You can see more details about your ride and export it to GPX in the Kurviger Cloud.
 +  * **Planning+Cloud:** Major redesign to improve your route planning and cloud experience on mobile devices. We have completely overhauled and modernised the views.
 +  * **Planning**: You can now include POIs and favorites in your routes.
 +  * **Navigation:** Introduce the concept of navigation pause, this allows you to pause the navigation during stops or when you need to change your route on the go and the option to finish your ride when you have reached your destination.
 +  * **Navigation:** Shaping Points are ignored for zooming as well as in the navigation instructions.
 +  * **General**: Sign in with Apple
 +==== 2023-12-11 (3.2.5) ====
 +  * **Navigation:** Minor improvement for text sizes in the info area.
 +==== 2023-12-06 (3.2.4) ====
 +  * **Navigation:** Find and add fuel stations that are close to the route.
 +  * **Navigation:** Show the currently allowed max speed.
 +  * **Navigation:** Optionally configure more information that is shown during the navigation (altitude, time, battery).
 +  * **Navigation:** Improve font size for many texts to help with readability during navigation.
 +  * **Navigation:** Compass is added to the navigation UI and allows to switch between 2D, 3D, and north.
 +  * **Planning:** Show the elevation diagram and other important route planning information in the mobile app. This view also provides a good overview about distances between via points.
 +  * **Planning:** Improved information about closed roads.
 +  * **Planning:** A crosshair is now used for moving waypoints and precision planning.
 +==== 2023-10-14 (3.2.3) ====
 +  * **Navigation:** Avoid changing the orientation by accident. The navigation will start in the currently selected orientation, when you change the orientation afterwards, you need to accept the orientation change using a button press.
 +  * **Navigation:** Fix roundabout symbol for left-hand traffic.
 +  * **Planning:** Recently planned routes history. This allows you to open a previously planned route without requiring an internet connection. 
 +  * **Planning and Cloud**: Fixed several edge cases that could lead to a bad experience.
 +==== 2023-09-29 (3.2.2) ====
 +  * **Navigation:** Increased font size for texts, especially the distance of the next turn instruction.
 +  * **Navigation:** Switch audio channel of voice instructions. You can set the voice instructions to use either media, notification, or call.
 +  * **Navigation:** Improve accessibility of the reroute button.
 +  * **Navigation:** Fixed an edge case, where the rerouting could incorrectly skip via points.
 +==== 2023-09-05 (3.2.1) ====
 +  * **Navigation:** Show Kurviger Waypoint Symbols in the turn instructions.
 +==== 2023-09-01 (3.2.0) ====
 +  * **Map:** Download and manage offline map areas with the Offline Maps Manager.
 +  * **Navigation:** Automatically download offline maps for navigation when starting the navigation or rerouting (can be configured in the navigation settings).
 +  * **Navigation:** Fuel stations are better visible and can be seen on lower zoom levels.
 +  * **App:** Open a location from other apps in the Kurviger App.
 +  * **App:** Improve loading premium state without an active internet connection.
 +  * **App:** You can clear the route planning cache and the downloaded offline maps in the settings.
 +  * **Navigation:** On most smartphones the display lock can be quickly enabled/disabled using the power button and not requiring any pin or biometrics.
 +  * **Import:** It's possible to import .kurviger files that have been corrupted by incorrect overwrite in Android.
 +==== 2023-07-14 (3.1.0 beta) ====
 +  * **Pricing:** Release of Kurviger Tourer+.
 +  * **Pricing:** Enforce premium features, you need to have an active subscription to use the premium features.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Starting the navigation off route has been improved, you can now select where you want to start.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Starting navigation close to the route has been improved.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Via points are easier marked as visited.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** If no via point is ahead on the route, we only show time and distance to the destination.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Short greeting is spoken when starting the navigation, this can help to identify issues with text to speech.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Fix an issue where reducing the volume of other apps was not properly reverted after instructions.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Fix rounding of distances when getting close to a turn.
 +  * **Map:** Improved contrast of the map, make it easier to see hills on the map.
 +  * **Map:** Reduce number of shown POIs on lower zoom levels. This should make it easier to spot more relevant POIs.
 +  * **Planning (App):** Don't allow exporting empty GPX files.
 +  * **General:** Improved French translation.
 +==== 2023-05-25 (3.0.10 beta) ====
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Roundabout exits show the exit number inside the roundabout icon.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Roundabout icon shows the correct direction in left-hand traffic.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Improved Android notification handling.
 +  * **Planning (App):** Improved finding the current location when planning.
 +  * **Planning (App):** Long press on the map triggers the exact positioning mode straight away.
 +  * **Planning (App):** Further increased some click areas (for example for the menu button).
 +==== 2023-05-12 (3.0.9 beta) ====
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Manual rerouting is now possible with a button.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Recenter can be configured to automatically trigger after some time passed.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Fixed a bug that could lead to the off-route arrow pointing in the wrong direction.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Off-route arrow is now pointing to the next unvisited via or shaping point.
 +  * **Navigation (App):** Navigation panels and buttons have a slight transparency.
 ==== 2023-05-04 (3.0.8 beta) ==== ==== 2023-05-04 (3.0.8 beta) ====
  • changelog.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/11 10:04
  • by admin