Kurviger Cloud

The Kurviger Cloud is the best way to transfer your planned route to the Kurviger app. You can easily save your planned route in the cloud and then open it from any device and, of course, in the Kurviger app.

To get the most important information about the Kurviger Cloud, we recommend reading the following sections. For specific information, you can also go directly to the desired section:

You can access the cloud area on the Kurviger website via the navigation bar. In the Kurviger app, you can access the cloud area by clicking on the Kurviger icon. From here you have access to your Routes and your Favourites:

  • Routes: Access to all your routes saved in the cloud. You can use the +New folder button to create different folders in the area of your saved routes and name them individually. This means you always have an overview of your routes and can organise them as you wish.
  • Favourites: Kurviger offers you the option of saving places as favourites. These can be POIs (such as a great viewpoint that you don't want to forget), but of course you can also save individual places as favourites. You can also use the +New folder button in your favourites area to create different folders in your saved routes and name them individually. This allows you to keep an overview of your favourites.

You can also easily customise the sorting in both areas to suit your needs. Simply click on Sort by date. In the next step, a drop-down menu opens in which you can set the type of sorting (by date, name or number). To confirm your selection, simply click on the type of sorting you want.

  1. To save your planned route in the cloud, click on the 3-dot menu.
  2. Now click on Save route.
  3. In the next step, you can select the route name and the folder in which your route should be saved. In the drop-down menu, you can select the appropriate folder from your existing folders.
  4. Click on the Save route button to confirm your selection and the route will be saved.

You can also refine the description of your saved route. To do this, you can navigate to the cloud area via the navigation bar (website) or via the menu bar (click on the curved icon, see above) (app). Your route will now be displayed here. After you have clicked on the Load route button, you can describe the route in more detail, change the route name or assign various route properties to the route by ticking the relevant boxes (e.g. curves, nature, speed).

  1. To open your route saved in the cloud in the app, you must open the cloud area via the Kurviger icon.
  2. Now click on Routes and select the folder and the route in which you have saved the route.
  3. You can now load the route using the Load route button.
  4. You can use the Extend current route button to extend the current route or the Overwrite route with planned route button to overwrite the current route.
  5. The route is then loaded and you can start the navigation.

Do you have further questions about the cloud? Then you can also visit our YouTube channel. There you will find some helpful videos from the “Kurviger Explains” series. If you have any questions about the cloud, we recommend the Kurviger Explains video about route transfer.

You can also contact us at any time in the Kurviger Forum. We will help you with your request as quickly as possible.

  • cloud.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/22 13:55
  • by corvin